A Message from our President
On Behalf of myself and the Heritage Baptist College I would like to thank you for your interest in Heritage Baptist College. HBC strives to provide College level Christian education for men and women that is Christ Honoring, Bible Centered, and Financially Affordable for everyone. We believe it is essential for every student of HBC to put God first and it is our prayer, as you consider the will of God for your life, that you would prayerfully and sincerely consider Heritage Baptist College.
Dr. Ricky Gravley
President & Founder, HBC
About the College
What Separates HBC from Other Colleges?
1. HBC is committed to building each student his own quality library.
Here at HBC we value the importance of having the right tools and resources to study the word of God properly. We want each student to have quality books, with sound authors that he can use for many years to come. It is very important for each student to learn the value that good reading material can give them to learning more about the word of God. HBC provides their students with the best reading material available for Bible study.
2. HBC thrives on keeping a high standard of teaching in the class room.
Our president and his staff goes to great lengths and expense to keeping qualified teachers in the class room. Dr. Gravley is not satisfied with average lectures and carbon copy material. High standards of study and notes are required and reviewed not just by students but by instructors also. This insures all who are involved that the standard of teaching never wavers and that the students are always getting out more than they are putting in.
3. HBC is local church and pastor friendly.
Many pastors are tired of sending there members off to college and never hearing or seeing them again. HBC is a local church ministry of the Bible Baptist Church in Rossville Ga. under the direction of Pastor Ricky Gravley. Pastor Gravley understands the frustration many pastors have faced and the reluctance to sending their members off to colleges. He is committed both as pastor and president to keeping the pastor informed and the local church in the forefront. HBC works along side with the local pastor and church by partnering with those students that are sent. There are several key factors that play a role in making this happen.
- Students are accepted with Pastors recommendation letter.
- Students are encouraged to keep membership and tithes at their local church while attending HBC.
- Students quarterly reports, billing & progress is reported to their pastor on a systematic bases.
- Students are required to return back to their local work church and work out of it once their college has been completed.
- All drive in students are expected to remain a part of their local church and to serve under their local pastor as they have done so.
A Brief History of HBC
HBC is a ministry under The Bible Baptist Church in Rossville, Georgia. HBC is a local church ministry under the direction of Pastor/President Dr. Ricky Gravley. HBC was founded in 2011 and operates independently without the financial aid of Bible Baptist Church. Since 2011 Heritage Baptist College has produced over 30 graduates who are serving the Lord in Ministry across America and The World.